Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure - Poornaprajna Education Center - Belur
1)  Children are admitted to different classes only by the management. 2)  At the time of admission, the parent or guardian must furnish a certificate giving satisfactory evidence of Date of         Birth of the Pupil. 3) The date of birth given at the time of admission cannot be changed at a later date. 4)  Pupils seeking admission from outside Karnataka State for Standard II and higher classes of the Centre should get their Transfer Certificates countersigned by the educational officers of the respective states who control those schools in which the pupils were studying earlier. While countersigning the Certificate, the Educational Officers should record an endorsement that the migration has been permitted. Otherwise, such pupils will not be admitted to the Centre. The management reserves the right to specify the class to which the pupils are to be admitted in the light of such qualifying test as may be prescribed. 5) Applications for admission from Parents of children for all classes other than the lowest Nursery Classes will not be considered unless accompanied by the latest Transfer Certificate and Progress Report from the School last attended. 6) When a proper application is received from the Parent / Guardian for a Transfer Certificate, it will be issued only after all the fees due have been paid. 7) Parents / Guardians are requested not to send pupils infected with Measles, Mumps, Chickenpox and other infectious diseases to the Centre till they are free from such infection. When a pupil is free from infection he / she should produce a medical certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner stating specifically that the pupil is free from infection and his / her attendance will not be injurious to the health of the other pupils in the Centre. 8) The ages are required for admission to nursery class on 1st of June of the calendar year is 3 years 5 months. GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE 1) All pupils must attend the Centre on the re-opening day of the academic year after each vacation without fail. 2) A pupil who absents himself/herself from class must explain the reason for the absence in the form of a letter from the parent or guardian on the first working day after such absence. Otherwise, the pupil may be sent home. 3) No pupil should leave the Centre premises during working hours without permission of the Principal. No child will be sent home in the afternoon without a prior written note from the parent. 4) Parents or guardians are not allowed to meet their children / wards or meet the class teachers during working hours. However they can meet them after 3.50 pm. 5) Pupils are expected to address their teachers and all members of the staff with due respect and politeness. They must show gentleness and courtesy to their companions. Refined manners, uprightness, self restraint and gentleness should distinguish every pupil on the Centre. 6) All damages to the Centre's property must be made good at the cost of the “offender class”. Pupils responsible for repeated damages to the Centre's property are liable to be sent out of the Centre. 7) All pupils are expected to attend the Centre on the re-opening day after each of the vacations. Pupils not attending punctually after holidays are liable to have their names struck off the rolls. If they are re-admitted, they must pay the admission fees again. 8) Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience and conduct injurious of the moral tone of the Centre are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil. 9) Every pupil is expected to put in attendance for at least 75% of the number of working days during the academic year. Failing which his/her promotion to the next higher class is liable to be withheld. 10) Every pupil in the Primary and High School has to subscribe towards School Calendar and Poornaprajna Magazine. 11) Collection of money may be permitted for Ganapathi Pooja and for such other purposes as the management may permit. Pupils going on annual excursions will, however, have to pay such amount as may be indicated by the Principal. 12) Pupils of the Nursery School will be allowed to stay in the Centre premises after the school hours till 1.00 pm. If any pupil is not collected by 1.20 pm, the Centre will arrange, in exceptional cases only, for the transportation of the pupil to the residence as early as possible. The expenses and fine in such cases will be borne by the parents / guardians. 13) Accidental minor injuries to pupils during the working hours, will be treated with the First Aid equipment maintained in the Centre. The parent / guardian will be informed if the pupil requires further medical attention. 14) Parents / Guardians are requested to ensure that their children / wards to do the assigned Home Work regularly. Pupils who do not do their Home Work and do not come to the Centre with appropriate equipment in time shall be disciplined suitable for the Class-Teacher and Subject-Teachers. Habitual offenders in these matters are liable to be sent home. Parents / Guardians are requested to appreciate the necessity for all pupils being subject to discipline of the Centre and not to interfere with the authorities in this regard. In case of the Parent / Guardian is dissatisfied with such disciplinary action taken by the Centre, he / she is at liberty to withdraw the pupil from the Centre. Indecent behavior on the part of the parent / guardian within the school is sufficient reason to strike the name of the pupil off the rolls. 15) The management reserves the right to expel any pupil for reasons for habitual disturbance in the class and repeated dis-obedience of instructions of the Teachers and the Principal. 16) Prior permission must be obtained from the Principal if children have to be taken out of station by parents / guardians during the session. Such absence is however, not considered desirable in the interest of the pupil. 17) Parents are requested not to visit the school staff in their residences. 18) Pupils are medically examined every year by qualified doctors and any abnormalities in the health of the pupil are reported to the Parent / Guardian for appropriate action. Parents / Guardians are then expected to take necessary action to have the abnormalities rectified through their own medical attendances. 19) Costly articles or money should not be brought to the Centre. The pupils should not wear costly ornaments or jewelry. 20) Change of address or phone numbers of the Parents / Guardians should be communicated immediately to the Principal. 21) Students of Class V below are strictly prohibited to come to school in Bicycle.

Last Updated by Rashmi Shetty.